ISSN 1679-5458 (versão Impressa)

ISSN 1808-5210 (versão Online)

Instructions to authors



Aim and Editorial Guidelines

1. Introduction
The Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Faculty of Odontology of the University of Pernambuco aims to publish articles relevant to education, orientation and academic scientific practice of oral surgery and related areas, with the purpose of promoting knowledge exchange between the university community and health professionals. The papers type includes original articles, systematic review, clinical trials, case reports, among others. The articles submitted to the journal will be evaluated by the Editorial Board (peer review), who will decide about the acceptation. The opinions and concepts emitted are of the authors entirely responsibility. The papers sent, if accepted or not, will not be returned. The authorship rights are reserved to the journal, allowing or not its partial or total reproduction since the source is cited. In the researches involving humans, the Ethical Committee opinion must be cited, be in agreement to the 196/96 resolution and to the Brazilian Health National Committee. Note: the articles must not have been published anywhere else. This journal accepts papers in Portuguese and Spanish.


Guidelines for publication

2.  Preparation and submission of papers

 2. 1. Forwarding Letter: The covering letter should mention: a) the section of the Journal in which the paper submitted is to be included; b) a formal statement that the paper has not been previously published; c) a formal statement that the paper is not being considered for publication by another journal. The letter must be signed by the author and all co-authors.

2. 2. General Presentation: Manuscript typed in the Microsoft Word word processor, in Times New Roman font, size 12, A4 format (21.2x29.7 cm) with minimum margins of 2.5 cm. The submission must be sent as an attached file of a maximum of 1 Mb and up to 5 figures on the UPE Periodicals Platform:

2. 3. Style: Articles should be written in  concise, clear and correct  formal language with no colloquialisms. The English version should be as faithful as possible to the original. Authors are required to read and fully comply with the Rules for Publication when preparing originals.

2. 4. Number of Pages: Articles submitted for publication should contain no more than 15 pages of text, a figure that includes the title page or cover page, the summary page and references. Tables, Charts and Figure Captions (illustrations: photos, maps, graphs, drawings etc.) should be on separate pages and numbered at the end of the text in Arabic numerals in the order they are mentioned in the text. Authors should make sure that all tables, charts and figures are cited in the text and in the correct sequence.

2. 5. Title page: The title page of the manuscript should include only the following: concise, informative title of the article in both Portuguese and English, containing no more than eight words; b) full name without abbreviations of  authors, with highest academic degree of each; c)   name of department(s) and institution(s) to which the authors are affiliated; d) name of the institution to which the work should be credited; e) mailing address of the first author for correspondence with editors; f) mailing address of the principal author for correspondence with readers; g) acknowledgement of the funding agencies, if any; h) email  address of  the first author.

2.6. Illustrations (graphs, drawings and photographs) should be limited to five figures, preferably in suitable electronic format such as Excel, Harvard Graphics, or other, contained within the Word document and also as separate files numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.  Photographs should be supplied in high definition digital format (JPEG). Captions should be clear, concise, placed below the illustrations or photos and be preceded by the corresponding number. Approximate locations in the text where images are interspersed as figures should be shown. Tables and charts should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and the captions positioned at the top. In the text, references should be indicated using Arabic numerals.

2.7. Summary: both the summary and abstract, each with descriptors, should be printed on the second page of the manuscript, with the rest of the text on the third page. Articles in Spanish are required to be accompanied by summaries in both Portuguese and English.

2.8. The manuscript should be organized as follows:

a)   The title of the article will be in the language used in the manuscript and, in the case of articles in Spanish or Portuguese, in English.

b)   Name of the author and collaborators must be  in full, with their corresponding credentials and qualifications as footnotes.

c)    Summary length: 200 words; descriptors (up to 5 keywords for the identification of the content of the study) should be taken  from DeCS (Descriptors in Health Science) at the site of BIREME in, link health terminology. and Abstract with keywords in English.

d- Text: the text itself should comprise an introduction, development and conclusion (or closing remarks). The example below shows how an article  should be structured:

   - Introduction: This should contain an overall exposition of the topic,  objective(s) of the research and the review of the literature;

                 - Development: core of the paper, in  which the subject is expounded and demonstrated. It should include methodology, results and discussion;

                  - Conclusion: the final part of the study, based on the evidence that is available and pertinent to the purpose of the study.


        1) Research Work

(Original Article)

                               Title (Portuguese/English)



                             Introduction and proposition






         2)    Case Report

                               Title (Portuguese/English)



                               Introduction (Intro. +  proposition)

                              Case Report


                               Concluding Remarks


2.9. The quotations and references should be in accordance with the Vancouver referencing system. 

2.9.1. The quotations should follow the sequential numbering system used in the body of the text.

2.92. References should be made as in PubMed.

Autor (res). J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2009 Dec;67(12):2599-604.Author (responsible)Bottom of FormBottom of Form


Responsibility Statement



            A assinatura da declaração de responsabilidade é obrigatória. Sugerimos o texto abaixo:


            Certifico(amos) que o artigo enviado à Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia (FOP/UPE) é um trabalho original, sendo que seu conteúdo não foi ou está sendo considerado para publicação em outra revista, quer seja no formato impresso ou eletrônico.


                                                                                 Datar e assinar


            Observações: Os co-autores, juntamente com o autor principal, devem assinar a declaração de responsabilidade acima, configurando, também, a mesma concordância dos autores do texto enviado e de sua publicação, se aceito pela Revista de Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia (FOP/UPE).





- The submission of original papers will be  (

- Observe the items that should contain the paper and send them into files of up to 1MB and 5 figures.

- The papers of case reports are sent only by mail.

- Will not be accepted papers to review.

Universidade de Pernambuco
Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco
Av. Gal. Newton Cavalcanti,1.650. Tabatinga, Camaragibe - Pernambuco - Brasil
CEP 54753-220 - Fone: ++55-81-31847652 - FAX: ++55-81-31847686

[email protected]




Download Declaração de Responsabilidade 


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© 2005-2007 Revista de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial

Universidade de Pernambuco

Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco

Av. Gal. Newton Cavalcanti,1.650. Tabatinga, Camaragibe - Pernambuco - Brasil
CEP 54753-220 - Fone: ++55-81-31847652 - FAX: ++55-81-31847686  
[email protected]